Healthcare and Politics in the Europe-Africa Partnership: Improving Policy and Discourse

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 17:22


On 13 April 2022, the Brussels International Center (BIC) organized a webinar event called “Healthcare and Politics in the Europe-Africa Partnership: Improving Policy and Discourse” that gathered experts on the different levels of healthcare implementation in Africa through the lens of inter-continental Europe-Africa cooperation.


BIC Reacts to the AU-EU Summit 2022

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Fri, 02/18/2022 - 14:45

On 17 and 18 February 2022, the sixth EU-African Union Summit took place in Brussels, Belgium. European and African policymakers met to discuss shared priorities and strategies in several thematic areas including health, vis a vis coronavirus vaccine provision, financial investment, education, peace and security, and migration challenges. While many important steps have been taken to strengthen the continental ties, there are still several deficiencies that could, and should, be addressed in order to foster a truly equal partnership.


Iraq’s Water Politics: Impacts of Drought, Mismanagement and Conflict in the Middle East

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Mon, 08/30/2021 - 10:47

Iraq is currently facing one of its driest summers on record. 2018 was the driest year ever recorded due to a lack of rainfall, and 2021 is not far behind. Recent years’ droughts have wreaked havoc on the land in Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq, but climate change is not the only driver of water shortages. Consequences of unilateral, upstream activity, water mismanagement, a lack of accountability and conflict have all exacerbated Iraq’s water crisis.