In Times of Conflict Escalation: How to Overcome Growing Polarisation between the Gulf Region and Europe?

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
Position: RESEARCH TEAM on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 11:49

“Demonising the other”: The Gaza war as a driver for polarisation between the Gulf and Europe.

In recent months, relations between the Arab world and Europe have faced challenges as a consequence of the Israel-Gaza war, which has resulted in more than 30,000 Palestinian casualties following the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7th, 2023.

Brussels International Center Hosts Roundtable Breakfast to Reimagine Politics Ahead of EU Elections

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:29

Brussels, February 23, 2024 - With the European Parliament Election on the horizon, the Brussels International Center (BIC) hosted an exclusive roundtable breakfast on February 22nd. A select group of Brussels-based experts gathered to reimagine politics in anticipation of the EU elections.

BIC Reacts to Escalating Violence and Civilian Casualties in Rafah, Gaza

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Tue, 02/13/2024 - 11:25

The Brussels International Center (BIC) expresses its profound concern over the escalating violence in Rafah, Gaza’s south, where Israel's intensifying military operations have led to significant civilian casualties and widespread panic. The recent Israeli strikes have tragically led to the loss of civilian lives, and left dozens injured, as reported by Dr. Marwan al-Hams from the Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital.

As the Conflict is deteriorating, the BIC is Extremely Concerned about the Current Situation in Sudan

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 14:41

The Brussels International Center (BIC) expresses its profound concern regarding the escalating crisis in Sudan, which has been deteriorating alarmingly over the past 10 months. The conflict, marked by a devastating war between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudan's army, has led to the tragic loss of over 12,000 lives, including women, men, and children.

The BIC’s Reaction to ICJ’s Decision on Gaza Genocide Case

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Mon, 01/29/2024 - 15:39

[Brussels, Belgium] - In a landmark announcement, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has issued provisional measures in response to the genocide case filed by South Africa against Israel. The court's stance, conveyed through an overwhelmingly supported statement, sets forth significant directives for Israel to adhere to. However, it is noteworthy that the court fell short in explicitly calling for a ceasefire.

Multiparty Coalition Urges EU Action for Sustained Ceasefire in Gaza Ahead of European Parliament Vote

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:12

Brussels, 18 January 2024 — A coalition of political figures, led by BIC's President and EU's Former Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, Ambassador Marc Otte, and Members of the European Parliament Mounir SATOURI, Tineke STRIK, Barry ANDREWS, and Matjaž NEMEC, has issued a compelling Op-Ed calling for a sustained ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank.

A Ceasefire in Gaza and the Day After

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
Position: RESEARCH TEAM on Wed, 01/17/2024 - 20:14

An OP ED by Ambassador Marc Otte, BIC President, and EU’s Former Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process.

Almost two months after the glimmer of hope cast by the November 24th truce in Gaza, a tentative first step to quell hostilities, has been swiftly extinguished. In a distressing turn, the ceasefire proved unsustainable, lasting a mere week.