Press Release : The BIC as a Supporter and VIP Contributor at the online "2020 Transatlantic Security Jam: securing the Post-COVID Future"

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Mon, 05/18/2020 - 13:20


From 12 to 14 May 2020, the Brussels International Center collaborated with Friends of Europe in a three-day virtual global brainstorm on international security challenges, hosted by IBM and coordinated by The Partnership for Peace Consortium.  


The BIC is deeply concerned about the hospital attack in Tripoli

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 19:06

The BIC is deeply concerned to hear of the continued fighting across Libya, and especially of the recent attacks on medical facilities such as Al Khadra General Hospital in Tripoli. "Given the seriousness of the global coronavirus outbreak, and Libya's already suffering health system, any and all attacks on medical facilities, staff and patients should be condemned and immediately halted" said the BIC's Political Analyst for North Africa, Ben Lowings.