BIC Attends European Parliament Human rights Subcommittee, focusing on the situation in Turkey

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Tue, 02/18/2020 - 16:49

Today, 18 February 2020, the BIC attended the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) meeting to discuss the ongoing human rights violations in Turkey, specifically in regards to those carried out against artists, lawyers, academics and activists. Chaired by MEP Maria Arena, who has personally invited the BIC to attend the event, the panel was comprised of a broad range of Turkish activists and experts, including Mr. Ishan Cibelik, Member of the music group Yorum, and the lawyer Ms.

Combatting a Geopolitical Void: The EU’s Role in the Future of Iraq

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Wed, 02/05/2020 - 10:21

At a Glance:

Currently, the Iraqi security sector has relied on international assistance over the past years to combat terrorism within the country through capacity building, military trainings and financial assistance. With current tensions in the region, Iraq has called for a withdrawal of all foreign military troops, which could have widespread consequences that impact the future stability of the country.  


Turkey and Libya: The Urgency for Europe to Act to Prevent Further Tragedy

Profile picture for user Ben Lowings Submitted by Ben Lowings
Position: Political Analyst on Mon, 01/20/2020 - 16:20

As Libya’s war enters 2020, dynamics within the war-ravaged country took a dramatic turn when the Turkish parliament, a regional ally of the GNA[1] in Tripoli, approved on 3 January 2020 the deployment of Turkish ground-forces in support of the GNA’s position. Since then Turkey has sent military advisors, and Syrian rebel forces allied with Turkey, in support of Fayez al-Serraj’s[2] administration.

Turkey and the Weaponization of Syrian Refugees

Profile picture for user Arthur Jennequin Submitted by Arthur Jennequin
Position: Middle East Research Intern on Mon, 01/13/2020 - 10:47

Coercive Engineered Migration corresponds to an attempt from a challenger to obtain political, economic or military concessions from a target through the instrumentalization of a migration “crisis”. It generally appears as an asymmetric weapon by a weak actor against a stronger one and may, in some cases, be considered as a punishment strategy. Usually the favorite target in this exercise of coercive diplomacy is defined by a democratic mode of governance.


Iran's response to Soleimani’s assassination: What implications?

Profile picture for user Arthur Jennequin Submitted by Arthur Jennequin
Position: Middle East Research Intern on Wed, 01/08/2020 - 17:25

Tensions are escalating in the Middle East, as Iran and the United States have reached the most critical point in their relationship since the hostage crisis in 1979. As promised, Tehran did not let the assassination of General Soleimani go unpunished. After three days of mourning, which were punctuated by numerous threats of retaliation, Iran has finally decided to take its revenge. 


Welcome Letter to EU Leaders

Profile picture for user Ambassador Marc Otte Submitted by Ambassador Marc Otte on Tue, 01/07/2020 - 16:58

BIC President, Ambassador Marc Otte, welcomes new EU leaders with words of advice on three key issues that will shape an audacious agenda for a stronger and smarter Global Europe, and ensure that the EU demonstrates true leadership in an unpredictable geopolitical arena with emerging actors and new challenges (

Qasem Soleimani: Iran’s Strongman Killed

Profile picture for user Middle-East Research Department Submitted by Middle-East Re…
Position: Middle-East Research Department on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 16:26

On Friday, January 3rd, 2020 the United States launched a drone strike that killed top Iranian military official, Lieutenant General, Qassim Soleimani near the Baghdad airport in Iraq.[1] Soleimani was head of the Iranian Quds Force, the military intelligence unit in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).[2] Soleimani was killed along with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, Hashd al-Shaabi), which is an Iranian-backed Iraqi mi

Operation Peace Spring: Delusion in Turkey’s Objectives

Profile picture for user Mohammed Sami Submitted by Mohammed Sami
Position: MIDDLE-EAST ANALYST on Thu, 12/19/2019 - 11:09

Turkey announced its plan to engineer a ‘safe zone’ in northern Syria, an initiative that, according to Turkey, mainly emanates from the country’s discontent from the presence of armed Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) on its southern borders. At their essence, safe zones are employed by states to pursue politically motivated objectives. In the case of northern Syria, Turkey’s ambitions go beyond pushing the Kurds away from its border.