BIC reacts to the Military coup in Sudan

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
on Mon, 10/25/2021 - 14:32


The BIC is concerned with the unfolding events in Sudan and condemns the military coup taking place there. The actions of the military in their removal of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok's transitional government is a significant blow to the fragile Sudanese democracy that has been tentatively developing following the removal of former President Omar al-Bashir in 2019.


Iraq’s Water Politics: Impacts of Drought, Mismanagement and Conflict in the Middle East

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Mon, 08/30/2021 - 10:47

Iraq is currently facing one of its driest summers on record. 2018 was the driest year ever recorded due to a lack of rainfall, and 2021 is not far behind. Recent years’ droughts have wreaked havoc on the land in Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq, but climate change is not the only driver of water shortages. Consequences of unilateral, upstream activity, water mismanagement, a lack of accountability and conflict have all exacerbated Iraq’s water crisis.

Promoting regional connectivity should be a EU priority for Afghanistan

Profile picture for user Shada Islam Submitted by Shada Islam
Position: Senior Commentator on Geopolitics on Thu, 08/05/2021 - 10:00

For many, it is a disaster foretold. As America ends the longest of its “forever wars”, foreign troops leave Afghanistan after twenty troubled years and Taliban militants seize more and more territory amid fears of rising bloodshed and destruction, the emerging international consensus is simple: another state collapse in Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban would be a danger both to the region and the world.