Mass Graves Uncovered in Raqqa: Thousands Found but Unidentified

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Mon, 07/15/2019 - 10:24

The first week of July marked the discovery of a mass grave near the former Islamic State (IS) defacto capital, of Raqqa. As many as 200 bodies were discovered at this time, but the mass grave could have more than 850 bodies buried in it, many of whom were victims of the IS. These deaths, some more recent than others, could date back to when IS first captured the city in 2014. There are a series of graves that surround the city that have been uncovered in recent months.

Iran and Climate Refugees: an Alarming Situation

Profile picture for user BIC Submitted by BIC
Position: RESEARCH TEAM on Wed, 05/22/2019 - 16:47

For past decades Iran has been suffering from an environmental crisis as a result of inefficient water and natural resources management and lack of enforcement of existing environmental regulations. This has led to constant drought-related water shortages and flooding throughout the country. The Iranian authorities, on their side, are blaming climate change and instrumentalizing their international sanctions as a justification for this crisis.