Tortured Prisoners: Continued Human Rights Violations in Yemen by Houthis

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Mon, 09/23/2019 - 12:16

Last week, the Yemeni Alliance for Monitoring Human Rights Violations published a report that confirmed the use of torture on prisoners held by the Houthis around the north of Yemen.[1] The human rights organization recounted over 450 cases of torture from September of 2014, shortly after the war began, until December 2018.[2] All of these cases were observed in prisons controlled by the Houthis, many of which may have been established after the onset of the conflict.[3]

Erdoğan Threatens to “Open the Gates to Europe

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 15:31

On September 5th, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with the provincial heads of the AKP party. During the meeting, Erdoğan accused the European Union (EU) of not upholding their end of a 2016 agreement to assist Turkey in addressing the large influx of Syrian refugees over the past several years. In his statement last week, Erdoğan noted that: “We haven’t been given as much support for the refugees in our country as we expected, especially from the EU and the international community.

Security at risk: the challenges of border opening for Arbaʿīn pilgrimage

Profile picture for user Arthur Jennequin Submitted by Arthur Jennequin
Position: Middle East Research Intern
on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 15:06

This forthcoming October, Karbala in Iraq will host the pilgrimage of Arbaʿīn, one of the largest religious gatherings on earth that easily competes with the Ḥajj in Mecca in term of numbers. In 2018, the number of participants in Arbaʿīn has reached nearly twenty million, including two million Iranians.

Cyprus Gas Dispute: Turkish Obstinance and European Passivity

Profile picture for user Mohammed Sami Submitted by Mohammed Sami
Position: MIDDLE-EAST ANALYST on Mon, 09/02/2019 - 11:34


Emerging hydrocarbon discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean unravel political and economic opportunities for the region’s states. The region that is commonly known as the ‘Levantine Basin’ (figure 1) is believed to be floating around excessive amounts of gas reserves. According to an assessment carried out by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2010,[1] the Levantine Basin holds around 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

Idlib: The Last Rebel Bastion under Government’s Fire

Profile picture for user Mohammed Sami Submitted by Mohammed Sami
on Mon, 08/19/2019 - 14:27

More than 10 days have passed since the Syrian Army announced the resumption of military operations against rebel factions in Idlib, the remaining rebel bastion in the north. The army’s decision followed a futile attempt to maintain a truce that lasted for five days between the contested parties amidst mutual accusations of the agreement’s violation. The agreement, which was brokered in Kazakhstan at the end of July, stipulated a ceasefire in Idlib during which Turkey and Russia would guarantee the implementation of the Sochi Deal of 2018.

Elevated Tensions in Northern Syria Push Turkey and US Back to the Negotiating Table

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Fri, 08/09/2019 - 11:03

On August 4th, Turkey announced a new plan to launch a military operation in Kurdish controlled northern Syria, east of the Euphrates. Immediate negative responses from the Kurdish forces in the region and the United States government have since resolved. On August 7th, the United States and Turkey reached a deal that would establish a “safe zone” in the region.

BIC Summer Policy Report - Yemen in 2019: Cause, Crisis and Consequences

Profile picture for user Middle-East Research Department Submitted by Middle-East Re…
Position: Middle-East Research Department on Wed, 08/07/2019 - 11:23

At the peak of the Arab Spring uprisings throughout the Middle East, protesters in Yemen called for the former President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to step down from office. After months of protest, Saleh  agreed to hand over power to the second-incommand, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, and a new constitution was to be formed under his direction in the National Dialogue Conference (NDC), which began in March of 2013.

Unrest in Southern Yemen: Military Parade and Police Stations Under Fire

Profile picture for user Mohammed Sami Submitted by Mohammed Sami
on Mon, 08/05/2019 - 14:51

Turmoil continues to undermine any future prospects of stability in Yemen. One can say that the country’s four years of ongoing conflict continue to fail in differentiating between those who are civilians and those that are not. Not even peripheral areas that are situated in remote of the contested areas have escaped the fires.

Yemen Policy Report # 5 - Yemeni Women in Peace Processes: From 2015 to Today

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Fri, 08/02/2019 - 10:33

The role of women in Yemen has transformed throughout the conflict period. For a country that consistently suffers to uphold and promote the rights of women, there are those individuals and groups who prevail. This chapter will explore the changing roles of women in Yemen, and how the perceptions of women in peacebuilding contexts have transformed between the time of the postArab Spring peace negotiations in the National Dialogue council, into the role that women take in today’s conflict.

Yemen Policy Report # 4 - A Weapon of War in Yemen: An Analysis of the Ongoing Food Crisis in 2019

Profile picture for user Elisa Cherry Submitted by Elisa Cherry on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 12:55

The humanitarian aid crisis has been at the forefront of the discussion on Yemen in the past two years. Prior to 2017, the humanitarian crisis, that has been seen since the start of the war, was not discussed on an international level. Since the beginning of the coalition blockade in 2015, millions of people’s lives have been at risk, as food, water and medical supplies are diminished or unable to enter into Yemen, or are stuck in the ports.